Sunday, March 29, 2009

On Theory.


This weekend was not spent in the early kitchen hours over coffee, water, flour, eggs and salt. I am sad to say that there will not be a pasta log coming out of this weekend. I was busy with some obligations that do not fall under the scope of this blog, however just because I didn't spend my usual, well anticipated time behind the machine, does not mean this weekend was not without it's learning or growth.

Instead, I held impromptu conversation with both Justin and Jordi about the various natures of pasta making, and while I won't repeat verbatim what was discussed, the techniques that were looked over, and the questions asked, to me, ended up being as valuable as a weekend laminating and sheeting dough.

I would also like to introduce David in to the mix of names that will be thrown around, as well as Brad, both while not directly training me, have both been what I would call very good people to talk to, as they have always been patient with my unending stream of questions, thoughts, ideas, as much as Jordi, Justin and Carla have been, and for that I am completely thankful.

Brad also gave me one of the funniest repeatable kitchen lines ever.

"don't hurt yourself or the machine, it's expensive and I'll get in trouble."

Thinking back to that slightly more primordial moment in my pasta tutelage makes me smile broadly. If you are curious how that pasta came out, we didn't use it. Nor was it expected that we would, but it didn't make that discerning cut, and I wasn't placed in a position where I had to produce at the quality of consistency that if I come in now, is a pre-requisite.

Even though that was several months ago, I like to reflect back on the past when it comes to cooking, or learning any skill, it helps you discern forward and lateral movement, and instills confidence as the curve gradually lessens and it becomes more about wonderful minutia and hypnotic repetition(both things I enjoy). when the moves and improvements are no longer measured in inches, but in micrometes when learning a specific thing.


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